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A Roundabout Interchange is a conventional diamond interchange with the intersections being roundabout controlled instead of signalized. Additionally, by-pass ramps can be added for vehicles to avoid needing to enter the roundabout in order to make a right-turn.

A Synchro Analysis was conducted on the Roundabout Interchange to determine whether or not it was capable of handling the predicted 2040 traffic volumes. Multiple configurations were considered for the roundabout interchange including having by-pass lanes to allow right-turn traffic to avoid the roundabouts entirely. Unfortunately, the roundabout was incapable of handling the predicted 2040 traffic volumes. This was due mainly to the geometric limitations put on by legal standards. These limited the speed of the roundabout along with the size of the roundabout. As such there were too few lanes moving too slowly. According to the analysis tool one of the ramp entrances was experiencing seven times as much demand as capacity. Such demand and not enough capacity would mean that entrance would back up into the roundabout impacting the rest of traffic.  Consequently both roundabout intersections received a level of service of F. For this reason the Roundabout Interchange was not a viable interchange alternative.  


Result:  Failed

Roundabout Interchange

Traffic Analysis


The Roundabout Interchange failed the traffic analysis step in our selection process with an unaccetable level of service.  Therefore it is not considered viable and was rejected at that step.





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