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The Hybrid Diamond Interchange is a non-conventional interchange. It takes the body of a diamond interchange with four ramps and adds additional free-right ramps to those ramps. This reduces the amount of right-turn flow being directed into the intersection.

A Synchro Analysis was conducted on the Hybrid Diamond Interchange to determine whether or not it was capable of handling the predicted 2040 traffic volumes. Unfortunately, it was unable to handle the predicted 2040 traffic volumes. The reason being is that the highest volume of traffic is flow through the bridge with the largest impediment to that flow being the high left-turn volumes. All this interchange type does is add free-rights which does nothing to alleviate the left-turn impediments. This caused the level of service to not improve, with both intersections still receiving an F. For this reason the Hybrid Diamond Interchange was not considered as a viable interchange alternative.


Result:  Failed

Hybrid Diamond Interchange

Traffic Analysis


The Hybrid Diamond Interchange failed the traffic analysis step in our selection process with an unaccetable level of service.  Therefore it is not considered viable and was rejected at that step.



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