I-15/Limonite Ave Interchange
Improvement Project
Project Tasks
The study of the existing Interstate 15 and Limonite Avenue Interchange involved a number of evaluations and studies. We began by identifying our project boundaries where our study would take place and determining the existing and planned land uses around the interchange. Then we specifically determined the purpose and need for the project. Next we performed a traffic analysis on the existing interchange to its viability today, in 2020 (the proposed completion year for any new design implemented), and 2040 (the proposed design life for any new design implemented).
Traffic analysis showed that existing interchange is barely acceptable today but will be inadequate as soon as 2020. We determined that a new interchange is necessary and came up with a number of alternatives. These alternatives were analyzed in terms of traffic, geometric feasibility, and local impacts to determine which are actually viable. A detailed design was performed for the viable alternatives that allowed us to provide a recommendation for the best one. This was done with a weighted decision matrix to consider many factors and quantify our choice.
Finally we performed a construction staging report for the recommended alternative, which would provide consistency in how the project will be constructed during the bid process. We also created two different 3D models to better visualize the completed design and put all of our work on a website.
Site visit
Alternative Scoping
Traffic Analysis
Synchro Modeling
Intersection Control Evaluation
PTV Vissim Simulation
Geometric Design​
Feasibility of Designs
Impact Analysis
Autoturn Simulation
Geometric Approval Drawings​
Advance Planning Study
Environmental Analysis
Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report​
Cost/Benefit Analysis
Weighted Decision Matrix
Construction Staging
3D Digital Model
3D Printed Model
Formal Presentation
Project Study Report
The Project Study Report (PSR) is the culmination of most of the deliverables. Inside it we include the Caltrans study reports: Intersection Control Evaluation and Preliminary Envirionmental Analysis Report. We also include the design documents: Advanced Planning Study and Geometric Approval Drawings. Finally, we included the items necessary for, if this project were really happening, bids to be submitted: Cost Estimates and Construction Staging Plans.