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Need: Local Utilities

Need: Park & Ride Facility

Need: Pedestrian & Bicycle

Need: Mobility

Need Overview


The purpose of this project is to reduce congestion through the interchange for passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses; while enhancing pedestrian and cyclist facilities to safely accommodate traffic across the interchange.

Improve mobility through the Limonite and I-15 Interchange to promote more efficient travel for passenger vehicle, truck, and bus traffic.


The Limonite Avenue and I-15 interchange was originally constructed in 1988.  At this time the area was primarily dairy farms; however, in the past twenty eight years the area has been developed for commercial, industrial, and residential use.  The interchange had not been developed for the rapid growth of the area and as a result during both the morning and evening rush hours the interchange produces unfavorable traffic conditions for users. In our design year 2040 the interchange is expected to be either nearly failing or completely failing (See images below).  Level of service is a qualitative way to measure traffic delays, with F being the lowest possible score.  This concept is further discussed in the traffic analysis portions for each alternative. The project will aim to either re-configure the current interchange or re-design it in order to improve traffic flow.

Improve safe pedestrian and bicycle access across the interchange that complies with local standards and the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.


Currently the interchange has the bare minimum for pedestrian travel and is only accessible on the North Side (see Figures 1 and 2). There is no bicycle path/designated accommodations for bicycle paths (the white striping on Figures 3 and 4 are not of bicycle lanes, but are the edge of way for the lanes). The majority of the pedestrian path on the interchange both for the approach and around the bridge is not paved. This walkway needs to be paved and a second path needs to be added on the South side of the interchange.

  AM Peak Hour Level of Servive:  F/F

PM Peak Hour Level of Service: F/F

Figure 1: Image of ADA Ramp on Western side of the bridge

Figure 2: Image of Pedestrian Walkway to bridge

Maintain the Park and Ride Facility so as not to decrease the value, functionality, or access to the Park and Ride.


Southern California Associated Governments (SCAG) wants to maintain/improve the Park and Ride located directly to the East of the interchange (see Figures 3&4). The interchange has to accommodate the bus, passenger vehicle, and pedestrian traffic being generated by the Park and Ride.

      Figure 4: Park and Ride Facility Boxed in Red

Accommodate the power, gas, and water utilities located within the I-15 right-of-way and the Limonite Bridge.


If there is a re-design, that re-design needs to be able to accommodate these underground utilities. These utilities involve power, gas, and water. The gas and the power lines run through the existing bridge and the water line alignment is about ten feet offset from the edge of Limonite Ave.  Instead of passing through the bridge, the waterline is located below the current 1-15.  Evidence of the utilities are located both around and on the interchange (see Figures 5 & 6). There is even a Southern California Edison vault on the Eastern side of the interchange (see Figure 7).

Figure 6: Electrical Poles leading up to interchange on the Eastern Side

Figure 7: Southern California Edison Vault located on the Eastern Side of the interchange

Figure 5: Water line back flow located on the Western side of the interchange

Figure 3: Park and Ride Street View





Ped & Bike
Park & Ride
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