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Brianda De La Torre

Brianda is a person who is always looking for new hobbies. She enjoys completing home improvement projects with her dad and brother.  She has fun with her cousins during summer nights when they go bicycle riding, and she also likes to play sports and go to the gym with her friends. Brianda loves baking with her friends and always tries to improve old recipes and try new ones. Overall, she likes to learn new things and is very fond of visits to museums or historical landmarks. She likes to explore new cities and go camping with her family. Brianda believes that friends and family are an essential part to somebody’s well being and happiness.

Her career goals are to become a prominent traffic engineer. She aspires to one day make a difference in the field by improving the quality of life of many roadway users with the help of her ideas and problem solving skills. She hopes that one day she may be a great leader who guides many traffic engineers to keep raising the bar in the industry. Brianda believes that there is a solution to everything, and she hopes that this characteristic distinguishes her amongst others. After obtaining her Professional License, she wants to continue specializing in her field as she finds which parts in traffic engineering she enjoys the most. What she wishes the most is to leave a legacy in traffic engineering that may improve the quality of life of many people.

This project taught a lot of valuable lessons to Brianda, one of them being the power behind communication with teammates. She learned that it was okay to rely on her teammates for help, and that with good communication, everyone can help each other work together in a more comfortable manner for a quality product. She was very appreciative of the technical work she conducted during the traffic analysis, for it made her realize that this would be her career choice. She realized that the real solution behind the problem with today’s transportation lies with smarter travel and not just the increase of roadway supply. She hopes to one day make a good impact towards solving today’s most problematic issues in transportation engineering.

Who She Is

Career Goals

What She Learned

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